Patients and Carers

Star Throwers supports people with any type of cancer, throughout their diagnosis and post-treatment. We also support carers too.

Please read below for how Star Throwers may be able to help you. Please contact us on 01953 423304 or for a discussion on the services you may benefit from.

I have recently been diagnosed with cancer

If you have been newly diagnosed with cancer you may find yourself feeling confused and anxious, with many questions about your cancer, your treatment options and the impact it will have on you and your family.

Star Throwers can help you to better understand your cancer and your treatment options with our Cancer Information Sessions.

I am having treatment for my cancer

Undergoing cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy may cause side effects such as nausea, fatigue and anxiety.

Star Throwers can help you and your loved ones manage these side effects and support your  wellbeing during treatment through our complementary therapies, fatigue management support, nutrition advice and workshops and counselling.

You may also still have questions about your treatment – if so, please contact us to discuss our Cancer Information Service.

I have been told my cancer is incurable

Your cancer may have reached an advanced stage that is not amenable to any more treatments that the hospital can offer. At this stage you may referred onto a palliative care pathway.

Star Throwers does not offer cancer treatments, however, many cancer patients and their loved ones are not ready to accept that nothing further can be done to help them and will want to seek out further information and support on their situation.

Star Throwers can support you (if appropriate) in researching and exploring further treatment options, such clinical trials.

We can also offer you and your primary carer our relaxation and supportive therapies such as massage and  reflexology to support your wellbeing at this time.

My treatment has finished and I am in remission or having regular checkups

Once cancer treatment has finished some people feel an expectation or pressure to quickly get back to the ‘normal’ life they had before cancer.

However, for many people it can take a lot longer to recover from cancer treatment than they expected. You may still be feeling the effects of your cancer and cancer treatment(s), physically and mentally, or are worried about your cancer returning or have questions about the long term effects of your treatment.

Star Throwers is here to help you recover at your own pace. We encourage you to have a discussion with our Nurses to discuss your concerns and attend our nutrition workshops to learn about supporting your recovery with nutrition. We also have complementary therapies, and counselling – all to help you gently recover physically, emotionally and mentally.

I am a supporting a family member/friend/loved one through their cancer 

Caring for someone with cancer can be challenging. You may be the primary advocate for your loved one, doing all the research, trying to find any information that may be helpful whilst trying to maintain a positive outlook for your loved one.

Star Throwers are here to help support you whilst you support them. We encourage carers to come along to Cancer Information Sessions with our Nurses and we also can offer you our relaxing complementary therapies, nutrition advice and counselling.

Cancer Information Service

Complementary Therapies