Star Throwers – Our Strategic Plans 2020+

I am delighted on behalf of Star Throwers to welcome you to share our vision, our strategy and our current focus. I hope when you have read our Star Throwers Strategy 2020+ you will have gained a better understanding of our passion to ensure Star Throwers is in the best place to serve our patients and their carers now and in the future. 

Understanding cancer patients physical and mental needs is vital to our success. I know from personal experience how scary it is to be told for the first time that you have cancer. For many of us it feels like we are rabbits caught in the headlights not knowing what is happening or which way to run. Here at Star Throwers we seek to ensure patients and their carers do not face the challenges alone. 

Through adoption of our vision and strategy we are guided in our direction and decision making and held accountable in our relationships, in our work, and in our impact on patients and their carers. The strategic framework captures who we are today and drives us towards a collective aspiration. It allows us to build on the strengths of our current work whilst continuing to look for ways to be more effective and ensure we are fit for purpose in everything we do. 

Demands for our services are increasing year on year. We want to ensure that we are in a great place to meet demand by having dedicated, skilled staff and volunteers, enabled to give the best possible service to our patients and their carers. We are determined to ensure that we optimise the return for every penny of the vital donations and grants made to our charity.

We recognise the importance of looking outwards and we shall continue to reach out to other organisations to share synergies, experiences and great practices. Similarly, we will look for ways to maintain and increase engagement with our community.

None of this is possible without the continued commitment, passion and dedication that our staff, volunteers and fundraisers bring to Star Throwers. We should all take great pride in our individual and collective contribution because only by working together do we make the Star Throwers story live and grow.

As we step into a new era, we are proud to carry forward Dr Henry Mannings’ legacy. We look forward to working with each and every one of you to ensure the continued compassion for our patients and their carers and a truly successful future for Star Throwers. 

A sincere thank you for your unswerving support.

Please download our full Star Throwers Strategy 2020+ document in PDF Format here.

Sandra Betts
Chair of Star Throwers Trustees