As some of you may be aware, the Star Throwers cancer support centre underwent a bit of a facelift in October.
This is all thanks to an amazing collection of individuals and companies – most of whom are local – who decided to collectively donate their skills, time, money or supplies to help refresh Star Throwers’ beloved but tired looking support centre, which had not been updated in many years.
During a cancer patient’s journey, they and their loved ones spend an enormous amount of time in hospital, in a necessarily clinical environment. At Star Throwers, we aim to provide a warm, friendly, and uplifting environment away from the hospital, where they can come to receive advice, nutrition support, holistic complementary therapies, counselling, and lymphoedema treatment, in a relaxed and positive environment.
The largest gathering was early on Saturday 22nd September (very early for some!) when over 16 willing volunteers came to Star Throwers to fix, replace, clean, repair and repaint our support centre.
Our biggest thanks goes to the following companies and individuals (in no particular order):
- CBRE – for volunteering and supplying materials: Andrew Zagdan, Chris Daniels, Peter Daniel, Matt Ireland, Matt Dewbery, Tony Farrow, Tom Little, Luke Boddy, Freya Harrington, Rosie Marris, and Michelle Appleton
- Aviva – for volunteering: Hugo Tavares, and Libby Steggles
- ISS – for volunteering: Eve Beckett and Paula Lemmon
- Restaurant Associates – for supplying volunteers’ lunch: Paula Richmond
- Norwich Sunblinds – for supplying and fitting 6 blinds: Kevin and Fiona Garwood, Julie Adamson and Shaun
- Gasway – for carrying out a gas service: Ian Griffin, David Scutter
- Gordon Signs – for supplying various signage
- 1st Call Glass Care – for supplying and fitting a new window
- Canning Electrical (Paul) – for carrying out an inspection and test of electrical supplies
- Howdens South Norwich Store – for supplying a new sink, tap, and cupboard plinths
- Edmundson’s – for supplying new lights and a toilet fan
- Contraflor (Craig and Steve)- for supplying and fitting a new carpet in communal areas
- T&P Fire and Safety (Richard, Steve and team) – for supplying and fitting a new fire alarm system
- Dulux Community RePaint – for supplying discounted remanufactured paint
Special thanks to Douglas King (Telereal Trillium), Alan Dunne (CBRE), and Deana Barratt (Aviva) for organising and coordinating the whole project. Last but not least, thank you to Maureen Walters from Star Throwers who came in over several weekends and evenings to provide lots of teas and coffees for the volunteers!
You are all stars!
The monetary cost of this project is far beyond what Star Throwers could have afforded. In other words, this project simply would not have been possible without their kindness and generosity. We can only express our biggest thanks once more to everyone above for helping to ensure that Star Throwers remains a haven for people affected by cancer.
(Some pictures below. See the full album on our Facebook page for all the pictures over the last few weeks!)