This year we have two runners taking part in the London Marathon on behalf of Star Throwers. Louise and Zoe will be taking on the 26.2 mile run to support Star Throwers and those affected by cancer. Find out more about why they are running for Star Throwers below and if you can, a donation to sponsor these amazing runners would be greatly appreciated.
Zoe is running for both Star Throwers and Macmillan, visit Zoe’s online fundraising page here.
I’ve wanted to do the London Marathon since I was a child, and this year has made me want to do it morethan ever! Cancer seems to touch everyone of us in some way or another. It’s touched me many times over the last few years, from two of my friends getting it, luckily one kicked cancers butt, but sadly this year it took the most beautiful and caring person I knew away from me. So this is for her my first marathon, but not just for her, for everyone fighting the battle, whether you have cancer, whether it’s a friend or family member we are all fighting the battle. Here’s to the next 26.2 miles, this is now my time to say thank you back, because without you it wouldn’t have been that easy.
Louise is running for Star Throwers, visit Louise’s page here.
I am a Norfolk Police officer and decided to support your charity based on what I have read and the testimonials. Having lost my dad and two colleagues to the disease I know how important it is for the support and care given to both those suffering and their families. I am no elite athlete and through a run / walk I will finish and raise as much money and knowledge about you as I can.